Freight Transport

Well-designed freight transport systems

Well-functioning freight transport systems are key to the development of society. The delivery of freight and the competitiveness of enterprises depend on it. However, increasing congestion and tighter environmental requirements make heavy demands on the development of a more efficient freight transport system, both economically and environmentally.

Artelia undertakes a range of freight-related projects within the following areas:

  • Flow of freight, nationally and internationally
  • Intermodal freight transport solutions
  • Environmental impact of freight transport

We have also analysed how the sharp increase in internet trade affects traffic in view of the corresponding increase in parcel transport.

Contact us, if you want to know more

How does e-commerce affect road traffic?

Artelia has helped the Danish Road Directorate to develop a picture of whether the increase in e-commerce can have a decisive impact on the development of traffic.

What happens if the rail ferries stop sailing?

In the future, Sweden may become dependent on the route through Denmark as the only link for rail freight to and from Europe. But what if the Øresund Bridge was
to suddenly be blocked? Artelia is studying scenarios like this for Region Skåne.