Artelia wants to play an active part in shaping a new world based on sustainability and mutual respect. We support the principles of UN’s Global Compact, and we work to protect human rights.

Social responsibility

We strive to run a business that creates value for the company as well as the global society. We believe that responsible consulting contributes to positive progress. That is why we wish to maintain our position as one of the leading Danish consultancies within sustainable and innovative construction and civil works.

The Group does not tolerate any form of corruption, and high business ethics are an integral part of our way of doing business.

Since 2013, employees and Artelia have
raised money for The Danish Cancer
Society. Through the years we have
raised DKK 650.000 to support the
fight against cancer. One element in the
activities is a bike-to-work challenge.


We support the principles of UN’s Global Compact, and we work to protect human rights. Furthermore, we act responsibly in environmental issues. Artelia has undertaken to advance the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals.


Artelia participates in the development of the entire industry and actively contributes to the work of the Danish Association of Consulting Engineers (FRI). We take part in developing the educations at Technical University of Denmark (DTU), and we are among the partners behind Engineer The Future, which aims to invoke  children and young people to become interested in technology.

Artelia follows The International Federation of Consulting Engineers, FIDIC Code of Ethics.

Read the FIDIC Code of Ethics

We are a partner in Gate 21 and member of The Danish Association for Responsible Construction og Green Building Council Denmark

Artelia is a business partner in the Danish Cancer Society and in the Crack the Cancer Campaign (Knæk Cancer).

We are a sponsor of Zoo Copenhagen.

We are a member of and we support Engineers Without Borders Denmark.

We have joined the Cooperation Pledge initiated by The Danish Association for Responsible Construction (Byggeriets Samfundsansvar)

Enigneers Without Borders Denmark
Gender Diversity Pledge / Artelia / Rådgivende Ingeniører




Social Responsibility

Our History

Facts and Key Figures