
40% of the world’s energy is used by buildings, which means that they play an important role in the green transition. Artelia is a multi-disciplinary consultant, covering all aspects of sustainabilty in building projects. We specialise in certification schemes such as DGNB, LEED, and BREEAM.

Buildings built for the future

MOE’s work within sustainability is divided equally between a pioneering spirit and systematic work. On the one hand, we give creativity free reign when our specialists develop ground-breaking methods and new knowledge in consultation with academia. However, we are at least as focused on the systematic incorporation of sustainability initiatives into our construction projects and in ensuring a beneficial overall economy through lower operating costs.

We are strongly committed to consulting and auditing within certification programmes while we are actively involved in developing common guidelines for the industry. As an example, several of our specialists have helped develop DGNB in Denmark while we co-authored FRI’s (the Danish Association of Consulting Engineers) new sustainability performance profile.

A holistic approach to sustainability

Artelia takes a holistic approach to sustainability. We consider and involve a wide range of sustainability factors in our process and creative interactions. Simultaneous to our adherence to the applicable building regulations and well-documented solutions, we are careful not to fall into the ‘one size fits all’ trap. Particularly, in terms of aesthetics, functionality and economy that all have to be optimally combined for a project to be successful.


  • Office buildings
  • Residential
  • Hospitals
  • Institutions
  • Education
  • Shopping malls
  • Project development

We advise on:

  • Sustainability management
  • DGNB for buildings
  • DGNB for urban areas
  • LEED
  • Sustainable design
  • LCA – Life Cycle Assessment
  • LCC – Overall economy
  • Circular economy
  • Swan marking

Contact us, if you want to know more

Anlægsprojekter / Artelia / Rådgivende ingeniører

Digitalisation and sustainability in civil works

The green transformation of civil works requires new thinking and better data handling. At Artelia we take part in the development. Among other things, we work with the tool ‘InfraLCA’, and are ready to help infrastructure owners who want to focus on the climate footprint.

Owner KLAR forsyning
Contractor Brdr. K. Hansen
Bygningsmodel exploded view / Artelia / Rådgivende Ingeniører

Automatic mapping of material data in 3D

We have developed a web application that makes complex data simple to understand through 3D visualizations that update in real time. This tool enables the ranking of building materials based on CO₂ footprint, price, recycling potential and time.
The web application is the result of a close interdisciplinary collaboration between our specialists in cost management, sustainability, BIM and digital development.

We had the honor of presenting the solution at Autodesk University in Las Vegas in November 2023.

Eksempler på biobaseret byggeri i den udstilling, som initiativet Boligbyggeri fra 4 til 1 planet havde på Søren Kierkegaards Plads i 2023.

Analyses that promote bio-based construction

Artelia is part of the team that helps Realdania investigate how biogenic materials can play a greater role in the construction industry and contribute to a lower climate footprint.
By using biogenic products that store carbon, the aim is to lower the climate footprint and investigate the cultivation potential in Denmark. To uncover the benefits of the biogenic products a comprehensive analysis of future construction needs and life cycle assessments is carried out.

Certification schemes

Artelia offers consultancy om sustainability certifications systems such as DGNB, LEED and BREEAM. Our services include everything from helping the client choosing a certification system to a screening of the current project and implementation. During the process, we advise on the choice of solutions and ensure that these are incorporated at the right time in the process, so that sustainability does not become an unnecessary cost for the project. Artelia works with certifications of both new construction, fittings, buildings in operation and urban areas.

LCA and choice of materials

A large part of buildings’ total carbon footprint comes from the energy used to produce materials. A life cycle analysis (LCA) creates an overview of a building’s total environmental impact, from the extraction of materials to demolition and disposal. At Artelia, we offer both full life cycle analyzes of the overall construction, but also advise on material selection in general.