District Heating

District Heating is an essential element of the transition to sustainable energy. Artelia provides complete solutions in the District Heating field and our consultancy covers production and distribution

Artelia shows the way to a greener Denmark

According to Grøn Energi, 64% of Danish households receive district heating, 50% of which is generated from renewable energy sources including solar heating systems, biomass-fuelled plants and heat pumps, which Artelia is continuously installing throughout the country.

The distribution of the district heating grid is also vital to achieving objectives. We are helping to roll out district heating using old gas pipelines. We are helping maintain infrastructure at a number of sites by installing more energy-efficient pipes.

Ensuring that existing pipe grids are fully-functional to ensure district heating will be just as attractive in 30 years’ time is also important. We are performing hydraulic calculations to ensure that the temperature in the grids can be lowered as much as possible and thus made flexible both in terms of current and future energy sources. Sustainable production units such as solar heating and heat pumps deliver energy most efficiently at lower district heating temperatures, meaning that there are big gains available. At the same time, energy savings are achieved by reducing heat loss.

District Heating consultancy at all levels

Artelia has extensive experience in planning, construction and conversion of power and heat producing plants. The same applies to the development and renovation of the district heating grid. In both cases, we can take part all the way from the idea phase to dealing with the authorities for tenders, execution of projects and subsequent inspection.

Artelia has a strong team with good references within TERMIS, and can set up new models, or help to take advantage of existing models for future needs. A hydraulic TERMIS model is the way to becoming as familiar with your pipe grid as your production facility. The model can provide the necessary overview of the pipe grid, help reduce the heat and water loss from pipes and provide the data to create a well-documented pipeline renovation plan. TERMIS is also a powerful tool to start working with low-temperature district heating, where the supply temperatures in the grid come down to around 55-60°C.

Strategic and budgetary planning
New planning starts with good screening to review overall options. This applies to production, distribution and consumers. Artelia has been through this process many times and therefore knows how to create a good foundation on which to make the right decisions. Artelia also has a good understanding of how the market and its structure looks, which helps to focus the work to be done and thus the resources needed.

When it comes to production and distribution, the choices made today will have a number of consequences for the future. That’s why it’s important to invest time and resources at this stage.

Our toolbox includes EnergyPRO, using which we can analyse how new technologies fit into your system in relation to remaining production. We merge the results with our budgeting model and the latest intelligence to provide you with the best advice.


Artelia provides consultation to utilities all over the country.


CHP (Combined Heat and Power) plants

  • Straw, wood chips, solar panels
  • Geothermal consultancy
  • Accumulation tanks
  • Pumps, exchangers
  • SRO systems
  • CE Marking
  • Fire consultancy

Engineering consultancy

  • Procurement by tender
  • Schedule management
  • Construction budget management
  • Construction management and disciplinary inspections
  • Security coordination


  • Modelling energy systems
  • Strategic planning, mergers
  • Project proposals according to
  • the Heating Supply Act
  • EIAs and environmental approvals
  • Trading in energy savings

Pipe grids

  • Hydraulic pipe calculations
  • Pipe static
  • Renovation plans – plants and grids
  • Valve and pumping stations
  • Heat pumps
  • District cooling

Contact us, if you want to know more

Strategic and economic planning of district heating

We provide clients with a solid basis for decision making.