One of the biggest construction projects in Denmark has been completed. Thus, Copenhagen is no longer dependent on coal for heat production.

On August 26th, the Mayor of Copenhagen, Frank Jensen, inaugurated the new Unit 4 for Amager Power Plant. The unit is fueled by sustainability certified biomass and marks the final step towards eliminating coal from Copenhagen’s heating production.

Artelia has provided engineering consultancy for all construction and civil works, Health & Safety coordination and construction management.

The client is HOFOR, who supply district heating to more than 600,000 Copenhagen residents. The city aims to be the world’s first CO2-neutral capital by 2025, and the projects vision is to make a decisive contribution to fulfill this ambition.

In time, the plant will also have public access to the roof, which offers a magnificent view over Copenhagen. The façade is decorated with hanging eucalyptus logs, and visitors will pass through this unique installation, when ascending the stairs towards the roof. During the journey upwards, visitors will have the opportunity to look inside the plant and observe the energy production through glass walls.