Photo: Adam Mørk

There are good numbers on the bottom line at Artelia Denmark, where all business areas contribute to the strong annual result. The green transition and digitization characterize the positive development, and the cooperation across the global group provides new growth opportunities.

The consulting engineering company Artelia has just published the annual results for 2023. With a continued increase in both the top and bottom line, Artelia cements the position as one of Denmark’s largest consulting engineering companies with more than 1,200 employees distributed in offices all over the country.

Digital tools in use on biotech project.

The climate footprint at the bottom
A crucial part of Artelia’s strategy is to promote the green agenda through innovation, pioneering projects and active stance:

We want to be at the forefront and use our knowledge to create good solutions that benefit both our customers and the environment. There is an indisputable need for a restructuring of the construction, and it obliges no matter what. But we also believe that the industry can turn the challenge into an opportunity for a new green export adventure if we set high demands that strengthen innovation.

Alex Fraenkel
Alex FraenkelCEO
Artelia Denmark

In the construction sector in Denmark, for example, Artelia has contributed to showing how the climate footprint can be reduced even further with projects such as Livings Places Copenhagen, created in collaboration with VELUX, EFFEKT and Enemærke & Petersen. Recently, the building was named the best residential project at the MIPIM Awards in Cannes, and it has previously been highlighted as a model project by the World Economic Forum. As part of the team behind the Reduction Roadmap initiative, Artelia has also given a knowledge-based input to the sustainability debate by agitating for more ambitious climate requirements for construction.

Within the energy sector, Artelia has long been a significant player, and here it is particularly the large roll-out of district heating that contributes particularly positively to the order book together with the modernization of the electricity grid.

At the same time, the tasks within the environment and nature have increased, and in the area of infrastructure the company has remained busy with everything from bicycle traffic to climate adaptation. Artelia is, among other things, a leading player in strategic traffic planning and in this connection takes part in the work with the so-called “Green Mobility Plans” in Copenhagen, Odense and Brøndby.

International development
As part of the Artelia Group – which is a worldwide multidisciplinary engineering group with over 8,500 employees – there is ample opportunity to draw on international skills that are highly relevant for both the green transition and resilience to climate change. The group has e.g. expertise in areas such as PtX, Carbon Capture, renewable energy sources and the development of public transport systems such as metro and railways. On a global level, Artelia is also a leading consultant in water construction, which implies massive experience with storm surge protection and coastal protection, which is current in a Danish context.

The cooperation across national borders is in full swing and not least in Norway, where the company solves several projects together with Dr. tech Olav Olsen, who is also part of the Nordic business unit in Artelia Group. The professional synergies are clear here, says Alex Fraenkel, and illustrates this with the urban development project Nyhavna, which also has Danish Cobe Arkitekter on the team:

“In Trondheim, we are helping to transform the old industrial port into a completely new district. Here we particularly offer our top competences within sustainability and mobility, while our Norwegian colleagues e.g. contributes with their great expertise in port construction. It is a good example of how we compliment each other.”

Nyhavna in Trondheim, Norway
Designed by Cobe, Topic Architecture, Dr.techn. Olav Olsen and Artelia.
Photo: Cobe.

Social responsibility and ESG
In addition to the strategic focus on the green agenda in advising Artelia’s customers and business partners, the company also wants to demonstrate more social responsibility as a workplace and achieve progress within all ESG parameters. In 2023, the company has e.g. reduced CO2 emissions from own activities by 53% compared to the base year 2017, which is above the target of 50%. On a global level, Artelia Group has simultaneously achieved Ecovadis platinum, which is the highest level in the recognized CSR assessment system. In addition, the group has had its CO2 targets approved by The Science Based Targets Initiative.

Social responsibility is also an important benchmark for the company’s employees, who take an active part in the work to promote sustainability:

“In 2023, we have started planting a tree for every new colleague we get, instead of giving a welcome gift. The idea comes from the employees themselves, and in time it will also be a really nice picture of our growth when the Artelia forest gradually grows larger,” concludes Alex Fraenkel.

Key figures

Artelia Denmark
2021 2022 2023
Net turnover (t. DKK) 875.152 949.957 1.102.008
Primary operating result (t. DKK) 68.902 57.915 61.921
Resultat efter skat (t. DKK) 54.288 35.758 48.042
Egenkapital (t. DKK) 135.167 125.094 150.253
Overskudsgrad (%) 7,9 6,1 5,6 
Soliditet (%) 30,8 27,6 29,3

Press contact

For yderligere oplysninger kontakt venligst:

Charlotte Wiberg
Charlotte WibergKommunikationschef
+45 2429 4984
Kristian Erlandsen
Kristian ErlandsenPR Manager
+45 2429 4927