Denmark’s leading maritime educational institution gains a new multifunctional venue at Svendborg Port

Svendborg International Maritime Academy trains marine officers and marine engineers, while more experienced profiles can use the academy’s supplementary maritime training to enhance their skills. Demand for more study places is increasing steadily, and the idea behind The New SIMAC project is to meet this demand and ensure an innovative and inspiring framework for learning. The 12,500-sq.m. complex is being constructed at Nordre Kaj in Svendborg Port, creating space for around 1,000 students and 100 teachers.

Like being at sea
The complex includes classrooms, two auditoriums, communal areas, laboratories/workshops, administration and technical rooms. The crowning glory is a simulator centre on three levels. At the bottom is the engine room, which is characterised by authentic acoustic and temperature conditions. At the top is the bridge, from where the vessel is navigated. Here, projectors are used to create a visual and lifelike experience of being at sea.

There is also a workshop with a 5-cylinder diesel engine. This means that some parts of the complex require a lot of installations. Multifunctionality also makes high demands of the acoustic solutions, since this is an atrium building in which there must also be space for concentration and contemplation.

A rustic look
The building’s architecture cultivates an industrial expression in which the structures stand out as exposed, raw concrete surfaces. All of the technical installations are visible and easily accessible, as this supports the aesthetic expression and can be used for learning purposes. The fact that all materials are clearly visible required special focus on the details and subtleties of the project design.

To achieve a façade with a clear concrete structure, cold construction was used, which is highly untraditional. The façade is also characterised by large glass sections, to signal transparency and ensure daylight. This is an aspect that requires expertise and experience, since energy and indoor climate requirements must also be fulfilled.

Client: The SMUC Foundation, supported by the A.P. Møller Foundation, Dampskibsselskabet Orient’s Foundation, the Danish Maritime Fund, the Lauritzen Foundation and Sydfyns Elforsynings Almennyttige Fond.

Architect: C.F. Møller Architects in collaboration with EFFEKT Architects