
Our in-depth expertise in geotechnics and hydraulic engineering is applied in areas such as harbors, canals, land reclamation, and coastal protection.

Globally, Artelia is a leading specialist in hydraulics and maritime structures. In Grenoble, the group has one of Europe’s largest hydraulic laboratories for physical and digital modeling

Enghave Brygge

The former harbor and industrial area will be transformed into a new district with the upcoming metro station as its center. The construction project amounts to 75,000 m². For the upcoming canals and harbor structures, we have been responsible for the design of sheet piles, quay walls, and other measures such as riprap where necessary. Resilience to climate change is an important factor in the design, with consideration given to future sea level rises.

Simultaneously, we have assisted in assessing how best to reclaim the necessary additional land for the new building plots and ensure an optimal construction pace for the infill. As part of the project, a temporary construction pit 10 meters deep will be established, where HOFOR will carry out a major relocation of district heating pipes to prepare for the new buildings. The pit must be kept completely dry but is only separated from the water by sheet piles. This requires extreme groundwater lowering to prevent water from seeping up from the limestone, as well as other safety measures.

Client  By & Havn I/S
Architect og illustration  Juul|Frost Arkitekter
Services All engineering disciplines related to facilities, bridges, and canals, including the placement and design of sheet piles and quay walls.

Artelia also handles geotechnics, traffic planning, occupational health coordination, and traffic safety and accessibility review.

Visualisering arbejdshavnen og tunnelfabrikken.

Tunnel factory at the Fehmarn Belt link

The 18 km long Fehmarn Belt Link will be the largest immersed tunnel in the world. Therefore, a specially designed tunnel factory is now being built, which will also set its own world record, being the largest of its kind. The factory area is being constructed off Rødby Havn and spans 125 hectares.

Artelia is responsible for designing the civil works project as well as the dikes around the production area, which consists of three basins that can be filled with water so that the tunnel elements can be floated out. The dikes will be constructed from the moraine clay obtained by excavating the basins, making it a major geotechnical task.

Client  Femern Link Contractors
Services  Civil works, geotechnical engineering, roads and drainage. Artelia in France contributes with specialist knowledge concerning coastal protection and the effect of waves

Stålsat By

The vision for the urban development project has been to create new inspiring urban spaces that contribute to the story of the city’s unique industrial history, where steel has played a central role in everything from casting cannons and balls to producing household utensils and agricultural equipment.

One of the city’s defining features is the man-made canal that runs through the city center, connecting Arresø with Roskilde Fjord. It was once the lifeline of the area, as water power was the primary energy source for the national weapons production, which originally gave its name to Frederiksværk and later attracted other industrial enterprises.

At both Mølledammen and the earlier stages in the project, Artelia has been involved in revitalizing the canal’s appearance by conducting all geotechnical investigations, sheet piling, calculations, and constructions. We also designed four crossing bridges, which are naturally made of steel to be in line with the theme.

Client Halsnæs Kommune med støtte fra A.P. Møller Fonden og Realdania.
Architect  Erik Brandt Dam
Services Civil works, roads, geotechnics, drainage, climate adaptation, utilities, lighting, environment, and nature.

Climate Protection at the Entrance to Kolding Stream

As climate change intensifies, Kolding, being an east-facing coastal city, will be particularly vulnerable. During a storm surge, large amounts of seawater can be pushed up through Kolding Stream, causing it to overflow and flood low-lying areas. Due to the city’s topography and its location at the bottom of a river valley, increased rainfall will pose similar problems.

To address both challenges, Kolding Municipality and BlueKolding have initiated several projects to climate-adapt the city. One of the major initiatives is a new pump and lock system to be placed at the mouth of Kolding Stream leading into Kolding Fjord.

The lock and pump system will have an important dual function, as it must protect against both sea-level rise and heavy rainfall. The concept involves blocking the seawater’s intrusion and using the river as a detention basin. When the lock is closed towards Kolding Fjord, the water level in the river can be lowered using the pump system, which transports river water out to the fjord. This way, the river gains the capacity to accommodate the water masses that would otherwise back up elsewhere and cause flooding.

Artelia served as the client consultant on the project and developed a relatively detailed construction program. In this context, we simulated floods in Scalgo and defined design requirements for the pumps to better price the system, with assistance from specialists at Artelia’s hydraulic laboratory in Grenoble.


Client  Kolding Municipality
Services In addition to client consultancy, Artelia conducted geotechnical investigations based on new boreholes, provided environmental consultancy, and prepared the environmental impact report.

Hydraulic laboratory in Grenoble

Artelia Group is a world leader in maritime engineering design and technical knowledge of wave impacts. In technical terms, this requires a solid understanding of hydro- and sediment dynamics.

The group has one of Europe’s most advanced hydraulic laboratories, which uses both physical modeling and 3D simulations. Additionally, Artelia has a ship handling training center.

Over the years, these competencies have been applied in countless projects within port construction, coastal protection, offshore infrastructure, offshore wind turbines, and many other tasks where understanding the nature of the sea is essential. Artelia is also investing in the development of marine energy, where the vast forces of the oceans can be harnessed.